Overview of today's work.
After looking at our final Inital Material which was 'The Underground Lovers' we discovered how it focused on the breakdown in communication but this time through people rather than through technology, which is what some of the previous stimulus such as the video interview had focused on before. Therefore, we decided to combine some of our past short drama sections to led us into a wedding car scene. This thought was triggered by our short piece that spiralled from the video interview where we incorporated a car accident, we used this same sort of physical work to transform into the travelling scene to the wedding, that results in almost a metaphorical car crash when the character Bernadette can no longer act controlled and collected about her lvoe for another.
I really enjoyed playing different characters during today's work, I particularly found the Essex hairdressers to be entertaining and comical for our audience, however we then had a good contrast of serious drama when we transitioned in the wedding car scene. I also found that our abstract transitions in between each small section made the piece alot more interesting and made the performance appear more professional. However I feel we need be alot committied to those particular moments for them to be really effective. For example: when all the wedding characters were shouting and panicking this needed to have more volume and a greater sense of talking over the top of each other for the audience to notice who immediately clashes- such as Sandra and Kate (Bernadette's mother).
Strengths about previous works that responded to different stimuli.
-Initial Material 1 'I tried to find my voice' poem.
I felt the Brechten device of actors as props was effective as we then developed this idea further by actually characterising the objects to have dialogue, which created a sense of absurd theatre. This random action made the work engaging. It could also connect with many of our othe pieces linking to the breakdown in communication.
-Initial Material 2 'Overspill' the play.
POSSIBLE idea that could be furthered. We looked at how the characters in the play all seemed to come from the same community. This made us think about differetn types of people and how they socialize, giving us the idea to embodie three female best friends who were old grannies. This could also be developed and linked to a later idea of 'Women's Rights' as we could look at going through the generations and noticing how women eventually gained a voice. Another feature I liked about this short piece was the style of diaolgue which was inspired by 'Overspill' we used repetition alot to show our group of characters indecisiveness over a silly topic of a choice of biscuits, which created humour.
This short piece triggered us into a very short but physical sequence that looked at the 'Role of Women' in the 1950's- 60's which was going back to the group of old gals youth. We incorporated the stairs which I felt was a really powerful technique as it demonstrated status. Each actor started by sitting in a mechanic almost robotic way to show the control and hold men had over women. All short dialogue emphasised how each women's life revolved around domestic work or simply pleasing her husband. The use of multi roling here, especially well Ellie hunched over me and embodied a male physique to demand 'Put the shopping away' in a agressive tone represented how women were regarded as weak clearly and quickly. This piece of theatre was short but sleek and I liked that about it.
-Intial Material 3Video Interview.
We based this work on a fault in communication between people understanding each other e.g. the youths and governement and also the faliure of communication between the emergency services during the London Riots, who were not as quick as they should have been to react, which caused alot more damage for the community emotionally and physically. A signifcant moment where this dismissive attitude was shown towards youths was when Ellie's teenage character was in need of a 999 service to help some people and she was not taken seriously, communication broke down which caused frustuation for the honest teen. This was changed in the first script I wrote as at first Ellie's character was a middle aged woman, but it was suggested we emphasis the lack of time and understanding the government have towards youths. This was influenced by a male on the video talking of how 'there is nothing for the youths of today' meaning youths are deprieved by not having the opportunities now. I didn't really like our story line here, it lacked in its structure and I also found hard to think of original and different ideas to spring from the video stimulus. It was all very plain and uncreative apart from the sudden car crash, which seemed to have a good impact on the audience. It was not only effective through physicality of renacting the crash but the dialogue 'Look out!' made it seem so much more dramatic through the high pitched vocals and the quick tempo.
Thanks gang! Let me know what you like or dislike or think could link with different ideas we've had :) xx
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