Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Crack Beat Scene edit- Beth

Scene 6: Crack Beat Scene

[Liberty and Beth cheerful and happy tone throughout]

Male Voice: Now we observe how our participants respond to orders.

Rose: Roger! Roger! I've just been round Mary's, I'm going to get the dinner going now, is that okay sweetheart?

Liberty & Beth: A good wife should always have the dinner ready; the prospect of a good meal is the warm welcome to every man

Ellie: No it's NOT okay!

Liberty & Beth: Today, baked goods. Apple pie, yum yum

Rose: Oh, I’m sorry honey, I’ll make it up to you, I'm making your favourite for dessert

Liberty & Beth: First we must prepare the apples...they must be sweet and delicate don't worry too much if the apple is bruised, no one will notice. [Exaggeration on 'chop' & 'crunch'] Now chop, dice, hear every crunch. Chop Chop Chop

Ellie: I've told you, YOU STUPID WOMAN that I do NOT like that. How many times do I need to tell you?!

Rose: I'm sorry.

Liberty & Beth: Next the pastry. [Slow pace down, soft whispering tone] Soften the butter between your fingers, add flour and blend the two together. Be very gentle.

Ellie: [Patronising tone] Hmm, so pathetic. [Caressing her face gently, moving face closer to hers, squeezing her face tighter in hands and forcing her face sideways to look at him] So beautiful. And mine forever, my wife.

Liberty & Beth: Now beat the pastry, this is great for relieving anger, tension. Don't be shy, beat beat beat!

Rose: Don't do that, it hurts.

Liberty & Beth: Don't be afraid to throw it about, use all your force. Use your fists to kneed it on the worktops.

Ellie: What did you say?

Liberty & Beth: [Exaggeration on 'Crack' & 'Beat'] Crack an egg. Now beat. This will be used to cover cracks later on, as no pie's perfect.

Rose: I said how was your day?

Liberty & Beth: [Exaggeration on 'Cut'] Cut the pasty to size, place on top and bake

[long pause] tick tick tick ping!

Ellie: Are you answering me back?

Rose: No, I said would you like roast or mash with your dinner darling?

Liberty & Beth: Remember for the pastry to work, you must....*


Ellie: You Rose. Your place is in the kitchen.

Liberty & Beth: [sniffs] Mmm, the perfect way for a every woman to keep her man satisfied.